Intermediate Perl

This review was originally printed in the December 2012 edition of the UKUUG newsletter, which is now defunct. Title: Intermediate Perl (2nd edition)Authors: Randal L. Schwartz, brian d foy, Tom…

From Perl to Python

As part of the process of relearning Python, I tried converting my csv2qif script from Perl. It took me a while to get round the different syntax, particularly for reading from…

Converting CSV to QIF

I've recently become the treasurer of Manchester Friends of the Earth, a local environmental campaigning group that I've been involved with sporadically since I was at university. We've moved our accounts…

My first CPAN module

Last Friday I uploaded my first module to the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN). For those who haven't used Perl before, CPAN is a repository of thousands of reusable modules providing…

Sending email in Perl

If you've been writing Perl for a few months, chances are good that at some point you will need to send emails from your scripts. As always with Perl, there's more…