A Power Hour session provides you with an hour of my time to discuss anything to do with websites and the surrounding infrastructure, as well as development processes and hiring. Examples of topics include:

  • Current infrastructure requirements and future planning.
  • Potential hosting providers to choose / migrate to.
  • Feedback on a job advertisement for a new developer.
  • Reviewing a project bid or tender.
  • Choosing a payment provider.
  • Moving from a single developer to a team.
  • Second opinion on a quotation or proposal from another provider.

Power Hours are charged at £150. This reflects the value of the call as well as the preparation time required beforehand and sending a summary of the discussion afterwards. I raise an invoice after sending the summary and this is due within my standard 14 day terms.

Any further work required after the call is subject to an additional charge.

Calls can take place on whatever platform you use – Skype, Teams, Zoom etc.

Regular sessions

If you find that you need my expertise regularly, we can schedule a recurring Power Hour session on a frequency to suit you. Alternatively, my retainers service might be more appropriate.