For a monthly fee, you get access to my advice and expertise on any aspect of web application development, including code, infrastructure, disaster recovery planning and more.

As an external consultant with no vested interest in any particular strategy or choice, I can give you honest, frank and impartial advice. I’m not trying to sell you anything, I don’t work on commission, and I’m not looking for the option which will build my internal empire or get me a promotion.

As with all my services, this is offered on a non-exclusive basis, which means I have other clients and some of them may be in the same industry.

What is covered

A retainer is:

  • Fixed monthly fee for access to my advice and expertise.
  • Advice on your options, with pros and cons.

Common advice options include:

  • Current infrastructure requirements and future planning.
  • Potential hosting providers to choose / migrate to.
  • Feedback on a job advertisement for a new developer.
  • Reviewing a project bid or tender.
  • Choosing a payment provider.
  • Moving from a single developer to a team.
  • Second opinion on a quotation or proposal from another provider.

Most advice is delivered by email, as this avoids the need to agree a mutually convenient time and take notes, but I’m happy to have calls when needed.

What isn’t covered

A retainer isn’t for:

  • Decision making – I can advise you on your options, but you have to make the final decision.
  • Development work.
  • A fixed number of hours per month.
  • Out of hours or emergencies.

My working hours are 9am to 5pm Mon-Fri (UK time, excluding bank holidays).


Costs depend on the nature of the retainer, however the minimum fee is £500/month. I’m very good at what I do and charge accordingly.

My fee is based on the value I provide, not the number of hours. If I spend an hour helping you with a problem that saves you £1,000, that’s worth a lot more than 1 hour’s billing.