Do you need modifications to an existing system or a brand-new piece of software? I can offer both as a general development project, adapting my skills to the needs of your business.

I’m proficient at working with bespoke or legacy systems, and can help you migrate between any versions between PHP 4 to PHP 8.

My primary language is PHP, and I use MySQL/MariaDB as the database in most projects, along with Git for version control.

Where I can help

The PHP, MySQL and related problems I can help with include:

  • Migrating between different versions of PHP.
  • Maintaining and improving legacy code and systems.
  • Configuring local development environments.
  • Adopting modern development practices such as testing, automated deployments and version control.
  • Improving site performance, such as optimising database queries.
  • Building secure systems.

This is not an exhaustive list – if there are other areas you need help with it’s very likely I will have experience of them.